About the International Youth Industrial Forum "Engineers of the Future"

Russian Engineering Union pays special attention to enhancing the role of young specialists in the development of industry, using scientific and educational potential in order to systematically involve young people in the processes of innovative development of the machine-building complex. To achieve this goal, Russian Engineering Union, with the support of Rostec, as well as with the active participation of representatives of large holdings and companies, leaders of the industrial sector of the Russian economy, since 2011 has been holding the annual International Youth Industrial Forum "Engineers of the Future".

The Forum is included in the list of activities of Rosmolodezh in accordance with the order of the President of Russian Federation following the meeting of the Board of Russian Engineering Union and the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises" dated 14.07.2017 No. Pr-1344 (item 3).

The main target audience of the Forum are the heads of structural divisions of industrial companies, young specialists, students and postgraduates of technical universities, representatives of youth public organizations. The age of participants is 20-35 years. About 1,500 young representatives of global engineering community are gathering to develop and jointly implement projects and programs aimed at the development of mechanical engineering and related industries.

Since 2011, more than 16,000 young professionals from Russia, the CIS countries and from abroad have participated in it.

Every year, the International Youth Industrial Forum "Engineers of the Future" was attended by young engineers and researchers from more than 400 industrial companies, as well as students and post-graduates of 85 universities from 70 regions of the Russian Federation.

In 2020, due to coronavirus pandemic, Russian Engineering Union held the IX International Youth Industrial Forum "Engineers of the Future-2020" in online format. The Forum was attended by 1,621 persons from 57 regions, inclusive young engineers and scientists from 333 machine-building companies of Russia. Delegates from 63 countries participated in the Forum.

The online educational program was based on 9 educational platforms, comprising 12 tracks, subdivided on 32 training courses.

A special feature of each Forum is the broad international participation. Since 2011, more than 100 delegations from 90 countries visited the Forum, inclusive diplomatic missions, ambassadors, industrial associations and companies from various countries.

Each foreign guest is given the opportunity to actively participate in all the programs and events of the Forum, depending on the personal preferences. It helps to maintain the high quality of business and educational programs, to establish new business and friendly relations with the international engineering community.

Наименование Единица измерения Кол-во
Паспорт - 1
Медицинский страховой полис - 1
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1 поток2 поток
07:20-07:40Спортивная зарядка
07:40-08:15ЗавтракСвободное время
08:15-08:50Свободное времяЗавтрак
09:00-10:20Образовательная программа (1 пара)
10:30-11:50Образовательная программа (2 пара)
12:00-13:20ОбедОбразовательная программа (3 пара)
13:30-14:50Образовательная программа (3 пара)Обед
15:00-16:20Образовательная программа (4 пара)
17:00-18:30Деловая программа
18:30-19:15УжинСвободное время
19:15-20:00Свободное времяУжин
20:00-23:00Культурно массовая программа/спортивная программа
23:00-00:00Подготовка ко сну